Category: Berita
PB PLBSI menggelar Lomba Design Poster 2021
Menyambut HUT ke 76 Kemerdekaan Republik Indonesia. HUT ke 21 PLBSI dan International Day of Traditional Sports & Games. PB PLBSI menggelar Lomba Design Poster 2021 Lomba Design Poster pada tanggal 14-17 Agustus 2021....
TAFISA Lisbon – 7th TAFISA World Sport For All Games
Dear TAFISA Members, Partners and Stakeholders, The 7th TAFISA World Sport for All Games 2021 constitute a celebration of Sport for All, Traditional Sports and Games, New Sports and Movement Cultures that the world...
7th TAFISA World Sport For All Games has started since June 18th 2021
Dear all 😘… TAFISA (The Association for International Sport For All) World Games is organized every 4 years after hosted in Jakarta Indonesia year 2016. Now… let’s go to Lisbon Portugal… by virtual today...
PLBSI Open Tournament 2021
PLBSI mengadakan PLBSI Open Tournament 2021 yang diselenggarakan pada 26 February hingga 12 Maret 2021, tournament ini dilaksanakan secara virtual, Bagi yang berminat mengikuti Tournament ini silakan download brosur di bawah ini dan hubungi...
International Dragon & Lion Dance Day in Indonesia
Perayaan Hari Liong Barongsai Dunia di Indonesia dilaksanakan sesuai dg Protokol Kesehatan di China Town Pantjoran PIK Hari Liong & Barongsai Dunia diselenggarakan setiap tanggal 1 Januari bertepatan dengan hari pertama ditahun baru. Hari...
Dear all participants and judges, Thank you for your support to participate in 2020 ASIANIA Dragon & Lion Dance Drummer Open Tournament by Virtual. We are pleased to announce you that the achievement based...